Joao Jesus - You might be gone (But you're with me)
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FREE Song by Joao Jesus in tribute to Bernard Poolman.
You might be gone, But you’re with me in every step I take. You might have passed on, But you’re still with me in every bound I break.
Thank you for your kindness, Thank you for your laughter. But most of all thank you, For your Liveliness.
You showed me the way, To really love my fellow man. You showed me how, We are all just made of clay.
I make your words my own, And your example my breath of Life, And I won’t stop until Life is Rife.
I am glad I met you, And lived by your side. To see what it means, To care for Life.
We’ll still be here, Showing others what you showed us. And together, We’ll get past all fear.