Reptilians & Parallel Timelines - Untold Story of Heaven and Earth

Full reptilians parallel timelines untold story of heaven and earth

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How much do we really know about the history of our existence on this planet?

As new archaeological evidence comes forward and contradicts the stories we have accepted thus far, how do we reconcile the difference between the history we were taught and the history that is now emerging?

Have there been other civilizations and other earths parallel to ours that have bled through into our own?

In this exclusive interview Anu sheds light on these questions and provides an entirely new perspective on time, history, and the untold story of heaven and earth.

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This interview is part of a series. It is not necessary to have any previous parts to benefit from this recording, but it may make reference to and draw upon previous interviews in this series.

Untold Story of Heaven and Earth Series:

  1. Reptilians & Parallel Timelines - Untold Story of Heaven and Earth
  2. Fighting for Your Views - Untold Story of Heaven and Earth
  3. Questioning the QUEST of Humanity - Untold Story of Heaven and Earth
  4. Discipline of the Mind as the Key to Freedom - Untold Story of Heaven and Earth
  5. War versus Creation - Untold Story of Heaven and Earth
  6. Uniting Your Divided Self - Untold Story of Heaven and Earth
  7. Hearing Only What You Want to Hear - Untold Story of Heaven and Earth
  8. I am Here to Challenge You - Untold Story of Heaven and Earth