Interview Request - Lakota Tribe - Part 2

Full interview request lakota tribe part 2

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Here is a list of some of the general dimensions/points requested from the interview:

  • A specific member of her tribe, Lakota, coming through the portal.
  • The history of Native Americans/Lakota in the grand scheme of existence past and present.
  • What was the purpose of/design of Native Americans/Lakota by Anu?/Where did Native Americans come from?
  • The Native American/Lakota connection to nature/beliefs that align with oneness and equality similar to the material Desteni speaks of.
  • The effect of generational trauma on Native Americans.

The above questions and so much more is discussed by a Lakota Elder who came through the Portal and shared a bit of the history of their existence and their purpose today.

This product is delivered electronically. There's no shipping involved.

This interview is part of a series. It is not necessary to have any previous parts to benefit from this recording, but it may make reference to and draw upon previous interviews in this series.

Individualised Interview Requests Series:

  1. Interview Request - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Part 1)
  2. Interview Request - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Part 2)
  3. Interview Request - Schizophrenia
  4. Interview Request - Bring Forth Your Being
  5. Interview Request - ADD & ADHD
  6. Interview Request - Relationship Support
  7. Interview Request - Fear of Heart Attack
  8. Interview Request - Tourette Syndrome (Part 1)
  9. Interview Request - Tourette Syndrome (Part 2)
  10. Interview Request - Bio Energy
  11. Interview Request - Family Dynamics
  12. Interview Request - Plato's Cave Theory and Desteni
  13. Interview Request - Disproportionate Physical Development
  14. How can EQAFE Benefit You?
  15. Private Interview Requests
  16. Interview Request - Understanding Multiple Sclerosis
  17. Public Interview Requests
  18. Interview Request - Resistance
  19. What Do Migraines Say About You? - Public Interview Request
  20. Interview Request - Reincarnation and this Life (Part 1)
  21. Interview Request - Reincarnation and this Life (Part 2)
  22. Interview Request - Reincarnation and this Life (Part 3)
  23. Interview Request - Chiron Healing
  24. Interview Request - Chiron Healing (Part 2)
  25. Interview Request - Chiron Healing (Part 3)
  26. Interview Request - Chiron Healing (Part 4)
  27. Interview Request - Chiron Healing (Part 5)
  28. Interview Request - Astrology Past and Present (Part 1)
  29. Interview Request - Astrology Past and Present (Part 2)
  30. Interview Request - Jan Thomas
  31. Interview Request - Jan Thomas on Aura's and Energy Fields
  32. Interview Request – Jan Thomas on Energy Support
  33. Interview Request - Metabolism and Weight
  34. Interview Request - Ozone Vs Dextrose Prolotherapy
  35. Interview Request - Voicing Your Sound and Expression
  36. Interview Request - Do the Dimensions Influence the Physical?
  37. Interview Request - Vaginal Infections
  38. Interview Request - Sun Yat-Sen on Oneness and Equality
  39. Interview Request - Colds, Flus, and Body Upgrading
  40. Interview Request - Sun Yat-Sen: From Intelligence to Life
  41. Interview Request - Seth: Then and Now
  42. Interview Request - Seth: Following and Sustainable Living
  43. Interview Request - Seth: Defining Living Sustainability
  44. Interview Request - Biodynamic Agriculture: Horn and Manure Replanting
  45. Interview Request - Accessing the Unconscious in Dreams
  46. Interview Request - Vaginal Infections Continued
  47. Interview Request - Philip K Dick: Then and Now
  48. Interview Request - Philip K Dick: Q and A
  49. Interview Request - Philip K Dick: Conclusion
  50. Interview Request - Halloween and Celebration
  51. Interview Request - Halloween, Holidays, and Judgment
  52. Interview Request - Neighbours and Self Reflection
  53. Interview Request - Neighbours and the Worst of the Worst
  54. Interview Request - Neighbours and Self Change
  55. Interview Request - Who am I as Language
  56. Interview Request - Unconscious Effects of Reacting to Language
  57. Interview Request - Equalizing to Language
  58. Interview Request - Voicing Yourself Out Loud
  59. Interview Request - What Speaking Loudly Hides Within
  60. Interview Request - How to Ground Positive and Negative Energy
  61. Interview Request - Responsibility and Self Tuning
  62. Interview Request - The Systems of Debt Giving you Debt
  63. Interview Request - Paying Back the Debt to Life
  64. Interview Request - Extreme Weather, Natural Disasters, and Survival
  65. Interview Request - The Ozone Layer and Existence
  66. Interview Request - Polar Bears, Ice Melting, and Manifested Consequence
  67. Interview Request - Jock Itch
  68. Interview Request - Remote Viewing, Clairvoyance, and Seeing the Future
  69. Interview Request - Existential History of Remote Viewing and Clairvoyance
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  71. Interview Request - Organ Transplants and Natural Healing
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  73. Interview Request - Redefining Body Fat
  74. Interview Request - Body Fat Conclusion
  75. Interview Request - Lyme Disease and the Tick (Part 1)
  76. Interview Request - Lyme Disease and the Tick (Part 2)
  77. Interview Request - Living with Lyme Disease
  78. Interview Request - Generalisation vs Specialisation (Part 1)
  79. Interview Request - Generalisation vs Specialisation (Part 2)
  80. Numerology and Other Forms of Divination - Interview Request
  81. My Menopause, My Body, and Myself - Interview Request
  82. Do Good and Bad People Have a Different Afterlife Waiting? - Interview Request
  83. Astrology & Desteni - Interview Request
  84. What is that Hissing Noise in my Head? - Interview Request
  85. Do Good and Bad People Have a Different Afterlife Waiting? (Part 2) - Interview Request
  86. Interview Request - Eye Blepharitis, Demodex mites and Generational Consequence
  87. Interview Request - Lakota Tribe - Part 1
  88. Interview Request - Lakota Tribe - Part 2
  89. Interview Request - Lakota Tribe: Crazy Horse - Part 1
  90. Interview Request - Lakota Tribe: Crazy Horse - Part 2